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fiber -r -seq=accugggga dsRNA.pdbAs of v2.1, fiber has three new options: -r for RNA, -seq for specifying sequence (of lower, UPPER or Mixed case) directly on the command-line, and -s for single-stranded structure. Download ssRNA.pdb ( of sequence accugggga.
fiber -r -seq=accugggga -s ssRNA.pdb
analyze -tor=6tna.tor 6tna.pdb # as of 3DNA v2.1Note the -s option; as of v2.1, explicit input file name (here stdin) is required for analyze. The output file is saved in file 6tna.outs (
find_pair -s 6tna.pdb stdout | analyze stdin
find_pair 6tna.pdb 6tna.inpThe two helical regions, saved in file h1.pdb ( and h2.pdb ( correspond to the two arms of the L-shaped tRNA structure (see the 6tna.jpg image below).
ex_str -1 hel_regions.pdb h1.pdb
ex_str -2 hel_regions.pdb h2.pdb
find_pair -p 6tna.pdb 6tna.mbpNote the -p option. Higher-order base associations (i.e., with 3+ bases) are saved in file multiplets.pdb where each multiplet is automatically set in the most extended views to the mean plane of the bases. Here render from Raster3D ( is used to convert 3DNA-generated .r3d file into a jpeg image.
ex_str -1 multiplets.pdb triplet1.pdb
r3d_atom -od -r=0.1 -b=0.2 triplet1.pdb stdout | render -jpeg > triplet1.jpg
blocview -i=6tna.jpg 6tna.pdbThe image is named 6tna.jpg, and is shown below:
Since the six base pair parameters uniquely define the relative position and orientation of two bases, they can be used to reconstruct the base pair. Moreover, the parameters provide a simple mechanism for classification of structures (55) and database searching (X.-J. Lu, Y. Xin and W.K. Olson, unpublished data). Among the six base pair parameters, only Shear, Stretch and Opening are critical in characterizing key hydrogen bonding features, i.e. base pair type: Shear and Stretch define the relative offset of the two base origins in the mean base pair plane and Opening is the angle between the two x-axes with respect to the average normal to the base pair plane (see upper left panel in Fig. 1). For the Hoogsteen A+U base pair shown in Figure 2b, Shear is 0.5 Å , Stretch –3.5 Å and Opening 70°. Buckle, Propeller and Stagger, in contrast, are secondary parameters, which simply describe the imperfections, i.e. non-planarity, of a given base pair.
Further details of the base pair search algorithm and the composition and geometries of all base pairing interactions observed to date in well-resolved RNA structures will be reported elsewhere (X.-J. Lu, Y. Xin and W.K. Olson, manuscript in preparation).
Funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant on X3DNA-DSSR, an NIGMS National Resource for Structural Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
Created and maintained by Dr. Xiang-Jun Lu, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University