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How to install 3DNA on Cygwin Windows?



I am trying to install X3DNA  on windows using Cygwin. But it is not installing properly as I am not getting any help commands after the last step i.e; ./find_pair -h

Can you help me?

Did you click the "Cygwin Terminal" to get the terminal window, as shown in the attached image. You seems to be a Windows cmd terminal, as shown by the C:\ drive.


Thanks for your quick reply .
This time I did open the cygwin terminal and tried.
after entering ./find_pair -h, no message is coming.
Is it installed properly or not?


Hi Maya,

Sorry for your difficult experience in getting 3DNA up and running. It is hard for me to understand how this error can happen. Overall, installing 3DNA on Cygwin in Windows should be as straightforward as in Linux or Mac OS X. To sorting possible issues out, could you please do the following:

* Double click the "Cygwin64 Terminal" icon to start a new terminal, as shown in my previous screenshot
* Type command "pwd", it should echo back something like: "/home/xiangjun" (again as in my previous screenshot).
* echo $SHELL   # you should get back: /bin/bash
* echo $HOME   # you should get back something like: /home/xiangjun
* If the above steps behave as expected, then download x3dna-v2.3-cygwin-win.tar.gz to your home directory. Re-install it as described. The 3DNA home directory should be like /home/xiangjun/x3dna-v2.3.
Whatever the case, report back step-by-step how things go. We'll start from there.

Instead of attaching a Word doc, you may want to copy-and-paste your steps directly into your post. The steps can be included in a code (click the # icon in the menu) block for easy visualization.



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The Bussemaker Laboratory at the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University.

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