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About DNA contour length


I have a question when calculating the DNA contour length. Can I use the sum of Rise as the contour length and use the sum of h-Rise as the end-to-end distance? So DNA bending is measured by the ratio of the end-to-end distance and the contour length?
The other question is how to analyze a pdb file that has a lot of frames in it?
Thank you very much.


--- Quote ---I have a question when calculating the DNA contour length. Can I use the sum of Rise as the contour length and use the sum of h-Rise as the end-to-end distance? So DNA bending is measured by the ratio of the end-to-end distance and the contour length?
--- End quote ---

3DNA does not calculate DNA contour length. As far as if it is appropriate to use sum of Rise as contour length, and sum of h-rise as end-to-end distance, why not you try some examples? Using ribosomal DNA superhelix, for example, would the numbers make sense? For quantify DNA bending, there are already discussions in the 3DNA forum. You could also try Curves/Curves+ from Lavery et al.

--- Quote ---The other question is how to analyze a pdb file that has a lot of frames in it?
--- End quote ---

I do not think I understand your point here. Could you be more specific?



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The Bussemaker Laboratory at the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University.

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